What's this. We've received an incoming transmission from the Collectors. Patching the message through now.

03 Sep 2022, 00:15
What's this? We've received an incoming transmission from the Collectors! Patching the message through now... ᏇᏋ'ᏉᏋ ᏕᏋᏁᏖ ᏰᏗፈᏦ ᏗᏁ ᎧᎮᏋᏒᏗᏖᎥᏉᏋ ᏖᎧ ᏂᏋᏝᎮ ᎩᎧᏬ ᎧᏁ ᎩᎧᏬᏒ ᏬᎮፈᎧᎷᎥᏁᎶ Ꮇ#ᏕᏕ##Ꮑ. ᏕᏖᏗᏁᎴᏰᎩ ᎦᎧᏒ ᎷᎧᏒᏋ ᎥᏁᎦᎧᏒᎷᏗᏖᎥᎧᏁ. It seems important! Can anyone decode its meaning...? ~~